周明国,男,南京农业大学植物病理学和农药学教授、博士研究生导师。教育部全国高等学校优秀骨干教师(2002);南京农业大学“133人才工程”学术带头人;享受政府特殊津贴(1999)。中国植物病理学会第七、第八届理事会副理事长、江苏省植物病理学会第九届理事会理事长、中国植物病理学会化学防治专业委员会主任委员。现受聘科技部国家重大基础研究计划(973计划) “现代农业领域”咨询专家。
1982年2月毕业于南京农学院植物保护系,获学士学位留校任教。1999年9月获中国农业大学博士学位;先后入选1986~1992年欧盟为中国培养100名博士后人才计划和25名重点跟踪培养人才计划。 1990~1998年在欧盟(EU)、国际遗传工程与生物技术中心(ICGEB)、联合国工发署(UNIDO)和中-法先进计划资助下多次赴英、法、意从事博士后工作与合作研究。
1. 小麦赤霉病菌无公害药物靶标的功能及其与药剂分子互作机制,国家973计划,2012CB114002,100万元,2012-2016
2. 农作物重要病原菌抗药性监测及治理技术研究与示范,国家公益性行业(农业)科研专项,201303023,1791万元,2013-2015
4. 小麦赤霉病流行预警及生物-化学协同防控技术研发,江苏省科技支撑计划重点项目,BE2013432,200万元,2013-2016
5. 申嗪霉素对水稻白叶枯病菌的药理学机制研究,国家自然科学基金,31272065,80万元,2013-2016
6. 杀菌剂生物活性评价与应用技术研发,企业委托,750万元,2013-2017
1. 重要作物病原菌抗药性机制及监测与治理关键技术。国家科技进步奖 二等奖,2012,第1完成人
2. 小麦赤霉病致病机理与防控关键技术。国家科技进步奖 二等奖,2010,第3完成人
3. 油菜菌核病菌抗药性及其综合防治技术研究与开发。江苏省科技进步奖 二等奖,2009,第1完成人
4. 创制杀菌剂氰烯菌酯(JS399-19)研究开发。中国石油和化学工业协会技术发明奖 二等奖,2009,第5完成人
5. 浸种灵新型种子处理剂的开发及其推广应用。农业部科技进步奖 二等奖,1997,第1完成人
6. 灰霉病菌对苯并咪唑类杀菌剂抗性研究.。教育部科技进步奖 三等奖,1997,第1完成人
7. 二硫氰基甲烷(浸种灵)新型种子处理剂的开发及其推广应用。江苏省成果转化奖 三等奖,1997, 第1完成人
8. 杀菌剂抗性研究。国家外国专家局 引进外国专家工作成果奖,1996.,第1完成人
1、 Yabing Duan, Xiaoke Zhang, Changyan Ge, Yong Wang, Junhong Cao, Xiaojing Jia, Jianxin Wang, Mingguo Zhou. 2014,Development and application of loop-mediated isothermal amplification for detection of the F167Y mutation of carbendazim-resistant isolates in Fusarium graminearum. Scientific Reports.srep07094
2、 Ya-Bing Duan, Chang-Yan Ge, Xiao-Ke Zhang, Jian-Xin Wang, Ming-Guo Zhou. 2014,Development and Evaluation of a Novel and Rapid Detection Assay for Botrytis cinerea Based on Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification. PLoS ONE. 9(10): e111094
3、 Xu, CY; Hou, YP; Wang, JX; Yang, GF; Liang, XY; Zhou, MG.2014, Activity of a novel strobilurin fungicide benzothiostrobin against Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. PESTICIDE BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY. 115: 32-38
4、 Zheng, ZT; Gao, T; Zhang, Y; Hou, YP; Wang, JX; Zhou, MG.2014, FgFim, a key protein regulating resistance to the fungicide JS399-19, asexual and sexual development, stress responses and virulence in Fusarium graminearum. MOLECULAR PLANT PATHOLOGY, 15(5):488-499
5、 Peng, D; Li, SD; Wang, JX; Chen, CJ; Zhou, MG.2014, Integrated biological and chemical control of rice sheath blight by Bacillus subtilis NJ-18 and jinggangmycin. PEST MANAGEMENT SCIENCE, 70(2):258-263
6、 Wang, Y; Duan, YB; Zhou, MG.2014, Control of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum infection in oilseed rape with strobilurin fungicide SYP-7017. CANADIAN JOURNAL OF PLANT PATHOLOGY, 36(3):354-359
7、 Gao, T; Zheng, ZT; Hou, YP; Zhou, MG.2014, Transcription factors spt3 and spt8 are associated with conidiation, mycelium growth, and pathogenicity in Fusarium graminearum. FEMS MICROBIOLOGY LETTERS. 351(1):42-50
8、 Peng, D; Li, SD; Chen, CJ; Zhou, MG.2014, Combined application of Bacillus subtilis NJ-18 with fungicides for control of sharp eyespot of wheat. BIOLOGICAL CONTROL, 70:28-34
9、 Duan, YB; Ge, CY; Zhou, MG.2014, Molecular and biochemical characterization of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum laboratory mutants resistant to dicarboximide and phenylpyrrole fungicides. JOURNAL OF PEST SCIENCE, 87(1):221-230
10、 Duan, Yabing; Ge, Changyan; Liu, Shengming; Chen, Changjun; Zhou, Mingguo.2014, Effect of phenylpyrrole fungicide fludioxonil on morphological and physiological characteristics of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. PESTICIDE BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY, 106(1):61-67
11、 Wang, Y; Hou, YP; Chen, CJ; Zhou, MG.2014, Detection of resistance in Sclerotinia sclerotiorum to carbendazim and dimethachlon in Jiangsu Province of China. AUSTRALASIAN PLANT PATHOLOGY. 43(3):307-312
12、 Duan, YB; Ge, CY; Zhang, XK; Wang, JX; Zhou, MG.2014, A rapid detection method for the plant pathogen Sclerotinia sclerotiorum based on loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP). AUSTRALASIAN PLANT PATHOLOGY, 43(1):61-66
13、 Hou, Yiping; Zheng, Zhitian; Xu, Shu; Chen, Changjun; Zhou, Mingguo.2013, Proteomic analysis of Fusarium graminearum treated by the fungicide JS399-19. PESTICIDE BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY, 107(1):86-92
14、 Zhu, Xiao-Fen; Xu, Ying; Peng, Di; Zhang, Yong; Huang, Ting-Ting; Wang, Jian-Xin; Zhou, Ming-Guo.2013,Detection and characterization of bismerthiazol-resistance of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. Oryzae.CROP PROTECTION, 47:24-29
15、 Xu, Ying; Luo, Qing-quan; Zhou, Ming-guo.2013, Identification and Characterization of Integron-Mediated Antibiotic Resistance in the Phytopathogen Xanthomonas oryzae pv. Oryzae. PLOS ONE, 8(2):e55962
16、 Hou, Yiping; Luo, Qingquan; Chen, Changjun; Zhou, Mingguo.2013, Application of tetra primer ARMS-PCR approach for detection of Fusarium graminearum genotypes with resistance to carbendazim. AUSTRALASIAN PLANT PATHOLOGY, 42(1):73-78
17、 Xu, Shu; Luo, Jianying; Pan, Xiayan; Liang, Xiaoyu; Wu, Jian; Zheng, Wenjun; Chen, Changjun; Hou, Yiping; Ma, Hongyu; Zhou, Mingguo.2013, Proteome analysis of the plant-pathogenic bacterium Xanthomonas oryzae pv. Oryzae. BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-PROTEINS AND PROTEOMICS. 1834(8):1660-1670
18、 Zhang, Leigang; Jia, Xiaojing; Chen, Changjun; Zhou, Mingguo.2013, Characterization of carbendazim sensitivity and trichothecene chemotypes of Fusarium graminearum in Jiangsu Province of China. PHYSIOLOGICAL AND MOLECULAR PLANT PATHOLOGY, 84:53-60
19、 Liu, ShengMing; Duan, YaBing; Ge, ChangYan; Chen, ChangJun; Zhou, MingGuo.2013, Functional analysis of the beta(2)-tubulin gene of Fusarium graminearum and the beta-tubulin gene of Botrytis cinerea by homologous replacement. PEST MANAGEMENT SCIENCE, 69(5):582-588
20、 Zheng, Zhitian; Gao, Tao; Hou, Yiping; Zhou, Mingguo.2013,Involvement of the anucleate primary sterigmata protein FgApsB in vegetative differentiation, asexual development, nuclear migration, and virulence in Fusarium graminearum. FEMS MICROBIOLOGY LETTERS, 349(2):88-98
21、 Duan, Yabing; Ge, Changyan; Liu, Shengming; Wang, Jianxin; Zhou, Mingguo.2013, A two-component histidine kinase Shk1 controls stress response, sclerotial formation and fungicide resistance in Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. MOLECULAR PLANT PATHOLOGY, 14(7):708-718
22、 Duan, YB; Liu, SM; Ge, CY; Feng, XJ; Chen, CJ; Zhou, MG,2012,In vitro inhibition of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum by mixtures of azoxystrobin, SHAM, and thiram. PESTICIDE BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY,103(2)101-107
23、 Qiu, JB; Huang, TT; Xu, JQ; Bi, CW; Chen, CJ; Zhou, MG,2012, beta-Tubulins in Gibberella zeae: their characterization and contribution to carbendazim resistance. PEST MANAGEMENT SCIENCE,68(8):1191-1198
1. 2012年中共南京农业大学党委授予“争先创优先进工作者”荣誉称号.
2. 2006年中国科学技术协会授予“中国科协先进工作者”荣誉称号
3. 2002年被教育部授予“全国高等学校优秀骨干教师”荣誉称号
4. 1998年享受国务院特殊津贴
5. 1992年被评为中共南京农业大学优秀党员
1. 国家科技部“国家重大基础研究计划(973计划)”现代农业领域 咨询专家
2. 国家民政部中国植物病理学会化学防治专业委员会 主任委员
3. 农业部“农业有害生物抗药性监测与治理及风险评估”专家组专家
4. 农业部农药检定所专家咨询顾问委员会专家
5. 促进科技研究中-法协会 会员
6. 美国植物病理学会 会员