1999.09-2003.06南京农业大学 本科毕业生
2011.10-2014.10英国John Innes Centre / The Sainsbury Laboratory先后任研究助理、项目科学家
在Science,PLoS Pathogens等杂志上发表SCI论文29篇,论文引用次数超过800次。现为美国科学促进会、国际卵菌遗传学会会员。PLoS Pathogens、New Phytologist等学术期刊的审稿人。主持国家自然科学基金2项,农业公益性行业专项子课题1项,作为项目骨干参加国家自然科学基金重点项目、欧盟ERC重大科研项目、Gatsby慈善基金会项目,和英国、美国、加拿大的多个课题组保持良好的合作关系。
(1) Dong S, Stam R, Cano L, Song J, Sklenar J, Yoshida K, Bozkurt T, Oliva R, Liu Z, Tian M, Win J, Banfield MJ, Jones AE, Hoorn RAL, and Kamoun S. Effector specialization in a lineage of the Irish potato famine pathogen. Science. 2014; 343(552-555);.
Highlighted by Science, Faculty 1000 and Nature Review Microbiology.
Recommend by Current Opinion in Plant Biology
(2) Dong S, Yin W, Kong G, Yang X, Qutob D, Chen Q, Kale SD, Sui Y, Zhang Z, Dou D, Zheng X, Gijzen M, Tyler BM, Wang Y. Phytophthora sojae avirulence effector Avr3b is a secreted NADH and ADP-ribose pyrophosphorylase that modulates plant immunity. PLoS Pathogens. 2011; 7(11): e1002353.
Recommend by Current Opinion in Plant Biology
(3) Dong S, Kong G, Qutob D, Yu X, Tang J, Kang J, Dai T, Wang H, Gijzen M, Wang Y. The NLP toxin family in Phytophthora sojae includes rapidly evolving groups that lack necrosis-inducing activity. Molecular Plant Microbe Interaction. 2012; 25(7):896-909
(4) Dong S*, Yu D*, Cui L, Qutob D, Tedman-Jones J, Kale SD, Tyler BM, Wang Y, Gijzen M. Sequence variants of the Phytophthora sojae RXLR effector Avr3a/5 are differentially recognized by Rps3a and Rps5 in soybean. PLoS One. 2011; 6(7):e20172. *co-first author
(5) Dong S, Qutob D, Tedman-Jones J, Kuflu K, Wang Y, Tyler BM, Gijzen M. The Phytophthora sojae avirulence locus Avr3c encodes a multi-copy RXLR effector with sequence polymorphisms among pathogen strains. PLoS One. 2009; 4(5):e5556.
(6) Qutob D*, Tedman-Jones J*, Dong S*, Kuflu K, Pham H, Wang Y, Dou D, Kale SD, Arredondo FD, Tyler BM, Gijzen M.Copy number variation and transcriptional polymorphisms of Phytophthora sojae RXLR effector genes Avr1a and Avr3a. PLoS One. 2009; 4(4):e5066. *co-first author
(7) Dong S, Zhang Z, Zheng X, Wang Y. Mammalian pro-apoptotic bax gene enhances tobacco resistance to pathogens. Plant Cell Report. 2008; 27(9):1559-69.
(1) Baxter L. et al. Signatures of adaptation to obligate biotrophy in the Hyaloperonospora arabidopsidis genome. Science. 2010; 10; 330 (6010):1549-51.
(2) Wang Q. et al. Transcriptional programming and functional interactions within the Phytophthora sojae RXLR effector repertoire. Plant Cell. 2011; 23 (6):2064-86.
(3) Guo M. et al. The bZIP transcription factor MoAP1 mediates the oxidative stress response and is critical for pathogenicity of the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae. PLoS Pathogens. 2011; 7 (2):e1001302.
(4) Yu X. et al. The RxLR effector Avh241 from Phytophthora sojae requires plasma membrane localization to induce plant cell death. New Phytologist. 2012; 196 (1):247-60.
(5) Liu T. et al. Two host cytoplasmic effectors are required for pathogenesis of Phytophthora sojae by suppression of host defenses. Plant Physiology. 2011; 155 (1):490-501.
(6) Gan Y et al. The LCB2 subunit of the sphingolip biosynthesis enzyme serine palmitoyl -transferase can function as an attenuator of the hypersensitive response and Bax-induced cell death. New Phytologist. 2009; 181 (1):127-46.