程宗明博士(zmc@njau.edu.cn),于2009年9月开始担任南京农业大学园艺学院教授,并兼美国田纳西大学植物科学系教授 (zcheng@utk.edu)。程宗明教授的研究领域是果树系统生物学,包括基因组学,生物信息学,分子生物学,生物技术。
程宗明博士于1985年从南京农业大学园艺系去康乃尔大学攻读硕士和博士学位。师从国际著名葡萄育种及生物技术学家Bruce Reisch教授,于1990年11月任北达科达州立大学园艺和林业系(后改为植物科学系)助教授位置,1997年升为副教授,并获得终生聘请。在1998-2001年期间曾担任该校三学院由三十几位教授组成的细胞及分子生物学博士学科的主任。在该校期间,主要从事核果类果树园林树木生物技术的研究及核果类果树(Prunus viginiana L.)和Phytophasma(植菌体)的相互作用研究。共发表论文17篇,获美国农业部NRI的资助两项,美国能源部的资助两项以及美国大型农业生物技术公司Monsanto 和 Ciba Cygie (Sengenta 的前身)的资助,领导育成一个桦树品种,并参与培育两个桦树品种,该三品种获得美国品种专利和注册商标。
2001年程宗明转到田纳西大学植物科学系任副教授,并获得了终身聘用(Tenured),是该校教授参议院的成员(选举产生)。于2009年升为正教授。在田纳西大学期间,程教授的主要研究方向为木本植物(以杨树和葡萄为模式试材)的生物技术以及基因组学和生物信息学。现为美国能源部生物能源中心田纳西大学杨树中心首席科学家。在该校期间,曾获得多项美国能源部,环保总局和美国自然科学基金会的项目。其间共发表(通讯作者和合作作者)SCI论文31篇。应Critical Rev. in Pl. Sci.杂志主编的邀请,程宗明教授和美国能源部Gerald Tuskan资深研究员联合主编特刊:Populus Community Mega-genomics:Coming Of Age (2009,issue 5)。并有二个provisional 专利:(a stress tolerance gene and its promoter and its broad application to agriculture),正式专利正在申请中。由于程宗明教授的处于领先的研究,他应邀美国Ciba Ceigi公司,Monsanto公司,Minnesota大学园艺系, Clemson大学园艺系,Oregon State Univ. 园艺系, Iowa 州立大学园艺系,田纳西大学植物学系,美国园艺学会年会,国际园艺学年会,纳米技术在林产业应用大会做特邀报告。
The 11th International Conference of Grapevine Breeding and Genetics, August, 2014, co-Convener
International Grape Genome Program Execultive Committee Member (2010-)
HortScience杂志Consulting Editor (2010-
农业生物技术学报编委 (2009-
Plant Cell Tissue Organ Culture杂志副主编,Reviews Section主编(2008-)
In Vitro. Biol. Pl. Sci. 审稿编辑
美国Consortium for Plant Biotechnology Research项目评审人
2008年 美国园艺学会年会 Systems Biology for Horticultural Crops大型研讨会主席.
2007年创建美国园艺学会生物能源工作组, 并任首任主席
2006 International Horticultural Congress S10 Section 主席
2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 organized Biotechnology Workshop at the annual meeting of ASHS
2000-2002年美国园艺学会生物技术工作组,秘书, 副主席,主席
Phenotype Screening公司资深顾问
北达科达州林业教育奖, 三项专利及合作专利,二项provisional专利。
Books/Special Issues of Journals:
Cheng, Z.-M. and G. A. Tuskan, guest-editors. Poplar Community Mega-genomics. Special Issues, Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences. Vol 28, issue 5.
Refereed Journal Articles:
1. Byung-guk Kang, Xia Ye, Lori D. Osburn, C.N. Stewart, Jr. and Zong-Ming (Max) Cheng* Transgenic hybrid aspen clone with the Atwbc19 gene encoding an ATP binding cassette transporter confers resistance to four aminoglycoside antibiotics. Plant Cell Reports 29:643–650.
2. Osburn, L. D., X. H. Yang, Y. Li, and Z.-M. Cheng. 2009. Micropropagation of Lonicera japonica and L. maackii by Shoot Tip Culture. J. Environ Hort. 27:195-199.
3. Byung-guk Kang, Lori Osburn, Dean Kopsell, G.A. Tuskan, and Z.-M. Cheng. 2009. Micropropagation of Populus trichocarpa ‘Nisqually-1’: the genotype deriving the Populus reference genome. PCTOC: J. of Plant Biotechnology. 99(3):251-257.
4. Jing Zhuang, Ri-He Peng, Zong-Ming (Max) Cheng, Bin Cai, Feng Gao, Bo Zhu, Xiao-Feng Jin, Xiao-Yan Fu, Yong Xue, Zhen Zhang, Ai-Sheng Xiong, Yu-Shan Qiao, Quan-Hong Yao. 2009. Genome-wide analysis of the putative AP2/ERF family genes and duplications in Vitis vinifera. Scientia Horticulturae 123:73–81.
5. Zong-Ming Cheng and Gerald A. Tuskan. 2009 Populus community mega-genomics: coming of age. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences. 28(5):282-284.
6. Yang, Xiaohan, Kalluri, Udaya C., DiFazio, Stephen P., Wullschleger, Stan D., Tschaplinski, Timothy J., Cheng, Zong-Ming, Tuskan, Gerald A. Poplar Genomics: State of the Science. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences. 28(5):285-308.
7. Zhanyou Xu, Dandan Zhang, Jun Hu, Xin Zhou, Xia Ye, Kristen Reichel, Nathan R. Stewart, Ryan D. Syrenne, Xiaohan Yang, Peng Gao, Weibing Shi, Crissa Doeppke, Rob Sykes, Jason Burris, Joe Bozell, Z.-M. Cheng, Douglas Hayes, Niki Labbie, Mark Davis, C.Neal Stewart Jr., Joshua S. Yuan. 2009. Comparative genome analysis of lignin biosynthesis gene families across the plant kingdom. BMC Bioinformatics. Accepted.
8. Ye, X., B-g Kang, L. D. Osburn, and Z.-M. Cheng. 2009 Identification of the Flavin-dependent Monooxygenase-encoding YUCCA Gene Family in Populus trichocarpa and Their Expression in Vegetative Tissues and in Response to Hormone and Environmental Stresses. PCTOC: J. of Plant Biotechnology 97:271–283.
9. Ye, Xia, Byung-guk Kang, Lori D. Osburn, and Z.-M. Cheng. 2009. The COBRA Gene Family in Populus and Gene Expression in Vegetative Tissues and in Response to Hormones and Environmental Stresses. Plant Growth Regulation 58:211-223.
10. Zhao N., J. Guan, f. Forouhar, T. J. Tschaplinski, Z.-M. Cheng, L. Tong, and F. Chen. 2009. Two poplar methyl salicylate esterases display comparable biochemical properties but divergent expression patterns. Phytochemistry 70:37:44.
11. Ai-Sheng Xiong, Ri-He Peng, Jing Zhuang, Feng Gao, Yi Li, Zong-Ming Cheng and Quan-Hong Yao. 2008. Chemical Gene Synthesis: Strategies, Softwares, Error Corrections, and Applications. FEMS Microbiology Reviews. 32:522-540.
12. Xiong, Ai-Sheng, Ri-He Peng, Jing Zhuang, Jin-Ge Liu, Jian-Min Chen, Zong-Ming Cheng and Quan-Hong Yao. 2008. The Non-polymerase-cycling-assembly-based Chemical Gene Synthesis: the Strategies, Methods, and Progress. Biotechnol. Advance. 26(2):121-134.
13. Ai-Sheng Xiong, Ri-He Peng, Zong-Ming Cheng, Yi Li, Jin-Ge Liu, Jing Zhuang, Feng Gao, Fang Xu, Yu-Shan Qiao, Zhen Zhang, Jian-Min Chenand Quan-Hong Yao. 2007. Concurrent mutations in six amino acids in β-glucuronidase improves its thermostability. Protein Engineering, Design and Selection. 20:319-325.
14. Yuan, J.S., Yang, X., Lai, J., Lin, H., Cheng, Z.-M., Nonogaki, H., and Chen, F. 2007. The endo-β-mannanase gene families in Arabidopsis, rice and poplar. Functional and Integrative Genomics 7:1-16.
15. Zhang, Z., Aijun Sun, Y. Cong, Bingcheng Sheng, Quanhong Yao,(Max) Z.-M. Cheng. 2006 Agrobacterium-Mediated Transformation of the Apple Rootstock Malus Micromalus Makino with the rolC Gene. In Vitro Cell. Dev. Biol.-Plant. 42:491-497.
16. Kimberly A. Pickens, (Max) Z.-M. Cheng and Stephen A. Kania. 2006. Effects of colchicine and oryzalin on callus and adventitious shoot formation of euphorbia pulchurrima ‘Winter rose’™ HortScience 41: 1651-1655.
17. Yang, X., Tuskan, G. and Cheng, Z.-M., 2006. Divergence of the Dof gene families in Populus, Arabidopsis and rice suggests multiple modes of gene evolution after genome duplication. Plant Physiology 142: 820-830.
18. Peng R.H, Q.H Yao A.S Xiong, Z.M Cheng, Y. Li. 2006. Codon-modifications and an endoplasmic reticulum-targeting sequence additively enhance expression of an Aspergillus phytase gene in transgenic canola. Plant Cell Rep 25: 124-132.
19. Xiong, A.-S., Q.-H. Yao, R.-H. Peng, H. Duan, X. Li, H.-Q. Fan, Z.-M. Cheng, and Y. Li. 2006. PCR-based accurate synthesis of long DNA sequences. Nature Protocol 1:791-797.
20. Xiong, A.-S., Q.-H. Yao, R.-H. Peng, Z.-M. Cheng, Y. Li., X. Li, H.-Q. Fan, M.-J. Guo and S.-L. Zhang. 2006. High Level Expression of a Recombinant Phytase Gene in Pichia pastoris. J. Applied Microbiology. 98:418–428.
21. Dai, W., V. Jacques, D. Herman, and Z.-M. Cheng. 2005. Micropropagation of a Cold Hardy Selection of Cercis canadensis L. Through Single-Node Culture. Journal of Environmental Horticulture. 23:54-58.
22. Li, X, R.-H. Peng, H.-Q. Fan, A.-S. Xiong, Q.-H. Yao, Z.-M. Cheng, Y. Li. 2005. VHb overexpression increases submergence tolerance in cabbage. Plant Cell Reports. 23:710-715.
23. Cheng, Z.-M., W. H. Dai M. J. Bosela and L. D. Osburn. 2005. Genetic Engineering Approach to Enhance Adventitious Root Formation of Hardwood Cuttings. J. Crop Improvement. 17(1/2): 211-225.
24. Li, Y., Z.-M. Cheng, W. Smith, D. Ellis, Y. Chen, X. Zheng, Y. Pei, K. Luo, H. Duan, D. Zhao, Q. Yao Invasive ornamental plants: problems and transgenic tools to neutralize their invasiveness. J. Crop Improvement. 17(1/2): 279-301.
25. Pickens, K.A., Z.-M. Cheng, and R.N. Trigiano. 2005 Axillary Bud Proliferation and Organogenesis of Euphorbia Pulchurrima ‘Winter Rose’Ô. In Vitro Cell. Dev. Biol.-Plant. 41:770-774.
26. Labbé, N., T. G. Rials, S. S. Kelley, Z.-M. Cheng, J.-Y. Kim and Y. Li. 2005. FT-IR imaging and py-MBMS: new tools to investigate wood tissues. Wood Science and Technol. 39:61-67.
27. Dai, W., V. Jacques, D. Herman, and Z.-M. Cheng. 2005. Micropropagation of a Cold Hardy Selection of Cercis canadensis L. Through Single-Node Culture. Journal of Environmental Horticulture. 23:54-58.
28. Li, X, R.-H. Peng, H.-Q. Fan, A.-S. Xiong, Q.-H. Yao, Z.-M. Cheng, Y. Li. 2005. VHb overexpression increases submergence tolerance in cabbage. Plant Cell Reports. 23:710-715.
29. Xiong, A.-S., Q.-H. Yao, R.-H. Peng, Z.-M. Cheng, Y. Li., X. Li, H.-Q. Fan, M.-J. Guo and S.-L. Zhang. 2005. High Level Expression of a Recombinant Phytase Gene in Pichia pastoris. J. Applied Microbiology. 98:418–428.
30. Dai, W., V. Jacques, J. Walla, and Z. M. Cheng. 2004. Plant regeneration of chokecherry(Prunus virginiana L.)from in vitro leaf tissues. Journal of Environmental Horticulture. 22: 225-228.
31. Li Y., Z.-M. Cheng, W. Smith, D. Ellis, Y. Chen, X. Zheng, Y. Pei, K. Luo, D. Zhao, Q. Yao, H. Duan, Q. Li. 2004. Invasive ornamental plants: problems, challenges and molecular tools to neutralize their invasiveness. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences. 23:281-289.
32. Peng, R.-H., Q.-H. Yao, A. S Xiong, H.-Q. Fan, X. Li, Y. L. Peng, Z.-M. Cheng and Y. Li. 2004. A new rice zinc finger protein binds to the O2S box in α-amylase gene promoter. European J. Biochemistry. 271: 2949-2955.
33. Xiong A-S., Q.-H. Yao, R.-H. Peng, X. Li, H.-Q. Fan, Z.-M. Cheng and Y. Li. 2004. A simple, rapid, high fidelity and cost-effective PCR-based two-step DNA synthesis(PTDS)method for long gene sequences. Nuclear Acid Research 32(12)e98: 1-10.
34. Dai, W. H., Z.-M. Cheng, and W. A. Sargent. 2004. Expression of the rolb gene enhances adventitious root formation in hardwood cuttings of aspen. In Vitro Cell. Dev. Biol.—Plant. 40: 366-370. (This paper was highlighted in the issue by the journal).
35. Guo, Y. H., Z.-M. Cheng, J. A. Walla. 2003. Simple PCR-based diagnosis of phytoplasma infection. HortScience. 38:1134-1136.
36. Dai, W. H., Z.-M. Cheng, and W. A. Sargent. 2003. Regeneration and Agrobacterium-mediated Transformation of Two Elite Aspen Hybrid Clones from in Vitro Leaf Tissues. In Vitro Cell. Dev. Biol.—Plant. 39:6-11.
37. Zhang, Z., W. H. Dai, Z.-M. Cheng, and J. A. Walla. 2000. Micropropagation of chokecherry seedlings and mature trees. J. Environ. Hort. 18:234-237.
38. Guo, Y.H., Z.-M. Cheng, and J.A. Walla. 2000. Characterization of X-disease phytoplasmas in chokecherry from North Dakota by PCR-RFLP analysis of the rRNA region. Plant Disease. 84:1235-1240.
39. Guo, Y.H., Z.-M. Cheng, and J.A. Walla. 2000. The 23S rRNA gene and its application in differentiation and detection of phytoplasmas. Canadian J. Plant Pathology 22:380-386.
40. Cheng, Z.-M., Schnurr, J. P., and W. H. Dai 2000. Micropropagation by shoot tip culture and regeneration from leaf explants of Betula platyphylla ‘Fargo’. J. Environ. Hort. 18:119-122.
41. Kapaun, J. A. and Z.-M. Cheng. 1999. Aminoglycoside antibiotics inhibit shoot regeneration from Siberian elm leaf explants. HortScience 34:727-729.
42. Guo, Y. H., Z.-M. Cheng, J. A. Walla and Z. Zhang. 1998. Large-scale screening for X-disease phytoplasma infection in chokecherry. HortScience 33:293-295.
43. Guo, Y. H., Z.-M. Cheng, J. A. Walla. Z. Zhang 1998. Diagnosis of X-disease phytoplasma in stone fruits by a monoclonal antibody developed directly from a woody plant. J. Environ. Hort. 16:33-37.
44. Cheng, Z.-M., J. A. Schnurr, and J. A. Kapaun. 1998. Timentin as an effective antibiotic for suppression of Agrobacterium tumefaciens in genetic transformation. Plant Cell Reports.17:646-649.
45. Kapaun, J.A. and Z.-M. Cheng. 1997. Plant regeneration from leaf tissues of Siberian elm. HortScience 32:301-303.
46. Cheng, Z.-M., N.-Q. Shi, D. E. Herman, and T. Capps. 1997. Genetic Improvement of American elm through genetic engineering. J. of Forestry 95(3):24-27.
47. Cheng, Z.-M., A. A. Boe, J. P. Schnurr and D. E. Herman. 1997. `Fargo': An Asian White Birch for the Northern Plains. HortScience 32:1304-1305.
48. Guo, Y. H., J. A. Walla, Z.-M. Cheng, and I.-M. Lee. 1996. X-disease confirmation and distribution in chokecherry in North Dakota. Plant Disease 80:95-102.
49. Schnurr, J. P., Z.-M. Cheng, and A. A. Boe. 1996. Effect of plant growth regulators on sturdiness of Jack pine seedlings. J. Environ. Hort. 14:228-230.
50. Cheng, Z.-M. and N.-Q. Shi. 1995. Micropropagation of mature Siberian elm in two steps. Plant Cell Tissue Organ Culture 41:197-199.
51. Park, Y. D., D. H. Ronis, A. A. Boe, and Z.-M. Cheng. 1995. Plant regeneration from leaf tissues of four North Dakota genotypes of potato(Solanum tuberosum L.). American Potato J. 72:329-338.
52. Cheng, Z.-M., X.-L. Xu, 1992. Current status of grape tissue culture. Fruit Science. 9(2):50-55.
53. Cheng, Z.-M. and B. I. Reisch. 1989. Shoot regeneration from petioles and leaves of Vitis x labrascana ‘Catawba’. Plant Cell Reports. 8:403-406.
54. Xu, X.-L., H.Y. Xu, B.-C. Sheng, Z.-M. Cheng, and W. H. Dai. 1985. Observation of Malus pollens under scanning electron microscope. J. Nanjing Agri. Uni. 2:124-129.
Book Chapters:
1 Cheng, Z.-M., and G. A. Tuskan, 2009. Poplar Community Mega-genomics: Introduction to the Special Issue. In Cheng Z.-M. and G. A. Tuskan eds. Special Issue of Critical Review in Plant Sciences. P. 1-2.
2 Xiong AS, QH, Yao RH Peng and Z.-M. Cheng. 2008. Directed in vitro evolution of reporter genes based on semi-rational design and high throughput screening. In Braman, J. ed. In Vitro Mutagenesis Protocols. Third Ed. Final version submitted. In press. The Humana Press.
3 Cheng, Z.-M., Y. Li, and Z. Zhang, 2008. Plant Growth Regulators Used in Propagation. In C. Beyl and R. N. Trigiano(eds). Plant Propagation: Concepts and Laboratory Exercises. CRC Press. pp 143-150.
4 Osburn, L., Z.-M. Cheng, and R. N. Trigiano 2008. Advantitious rooting of woody and herbaceous plants. In C. Beyl and R. N. Trigiano(eds). Plant Propagation: Concepts and Laboratory Exercises. CRC Press. pp. 201-212.
5 Li Y., Z. Cheng, W. Smith, D. Ellis, Y. Chen, L. Lu, R. McAvoy, Y. Pei, W. Deng, C. Thammina, X. Zheng, H. Duan, K. Luo and D. Zhao(2006): Invasive ornamental plants: problems, challenges, and biotech approaches to neutralize their invasiveness. In: Floriculture, Ornamental and Plant Biotechnology(1st Edition)Ed. by J.A. Teixeira da Silva, Vol III. Global Science Books, Japan. 399-406.
6 Trigiano, R.N., K.R.Malueg, K.A. Pickens, Z.-M. Cheng and E.T. Graham. 2004 Histological Techniques. P. 39-48. In: Trigiano, R.N. and D.J. Gray(eds.). Plant Development and Biotechnology. CRC Press, LLC., Boca Raon. 359 pp.
7 Cheng, Z.-M. 1994. Genetic Engineering. In: R. M. Fu (ed.) Fruit and Melon Biotechnology, pp. 331-389. Agriculture Press. Beijing, China.
8 Shi N.-Q. and Z.-M. Cheng. 1994. PCR technology and application. In: R. M. Fu (ed.) Fruit and Melon Biotechnology. pp. 390-402. Agriculture Press. Beijing, China.